Lord's Day April 28 AD 2013
11.00 am This morning the pastor will again preach from 1 Corinthians, from 3:1-9 Avoid spiritual immaturity and understand what a faithful preacher is Psalm 75 (588) 1 Corinthians 3 (1145)
6.30 pm This evening the pastor will again preach, God willing, on Numbers 31:1-24 God's certain justice Acts 18 In Corinth, etc (1114) Numbers 31 (170)
The LTS placement period is now ended. Welcome back Karl and Rebekah, goodbye to Emediong. Andrew is preaching in Yorkshire today, in Northallerton. This week (Tue-Thu) the pastor is at the Grace Baptist Assembly in Swanwick.
18 Lo! God is here Gerhard Tersteegen
732 Jesus, keep me near the cross Frances Jane Van Alstyne
455 Father of mercies, bow Thine ear Benjamin Beddome
734 Jesus my strength, my hope Charles Wesley
307 Hark! The song of Jubilee James Montgomery
310 Jesus shall reign where'er the sun Isaac Watts
323 Great Judge of quick and dead Charles Wesley
1. Christian, recognise the danger of im______ and w______ thinking
2. Christian, understand what faithful p________ are
Faithful preachers
1. Are s________ of God 2. Are called to work in different situations 3. Wholly depend on God for s________ 4. United in p_____ 5. Will be r_________ according to their own labour 6. W______ with God


Lord's Day April 21 AD 2013
11.00 am This morning the pastor will preach from 1 Corinthians 2:10b-16 Hear the message taught by the Spirit Psalm 74 (587) 1 Corinthians 2 (1145)
6.30 pm This evening the pastor will again preach, God willing, on Numbers 30 Commitment to God – caution and zeal  Acts 17:1-15 In Athens (1113) Numbers 30 (170) [6 pm Communion]
280 The happy morn is come Thomas Haweis
621 Jesus my Lord will love me forever Norman John Clayton
334 Father of everlasting grace Charles Wesley
345 Spirit of faith come down Charles Wesley
42 Command your blessing from above James Montgomery
825 Master speak! Thy servant heareth Frances R Havergal
828 Saviour, Thy dying love Sylvanus Dryden Phelps
1. Understand the role of the S______ in the Godhead
2. Learn how the S_____ works in the p______ and his h______
1. Note how the S_____ works in the understanding of the p_______ and his h________ 2. See how he enables the p_______ to s______ and the p_______ to h___ 3. Recognise what characterises the man without the S______ 1. He refuses to a______ the things of the S______ 2. He does not u___________ the things of the S______ 4. Recognise what characterises the man with the S_______ 1. He is able to make j________ 2. He is beyond the j________ of others 3. He has the mind of C_____


Lord's Day April 14 AD 2013
11.00 am This morning the preacher is Emediong Samuel from LTS who is currently on placement with us. He will preach this morning from John 11:1-44 John 11 (1077)
6.30 pm This evening Emediong will again preach, God willing, looking at Matthew 21:33-45 Matthew 21 (988)
A warm welcome to Emediong here on placement. Do pray for him and our own LTS students on placement (in Gloucester and Stratford). The pastor is preaching today in Camberwell. He, Eme, Robert (and Robin Asgher) are hoping to be in Leicester this week at the Banner ministers conference. Rosie and David are away today at the youth conference there.
57 We praise, we worship Thee, O God Anon
14 I'll praise my Maker Isaac Watts
164 Jesus Thou joy of loving hearts Bernard of Clairvaux
281 Thine be the glory Edmund Louis Budry
16 Immortal, invisible God only wise Walter Chalmers Smith
647 In Christ alone my hope is found Stuart Townend
4 Christ is our corner-stone Anon (Latin)


Lord's Day April 7 AD 2013
11.00 am This morning the pastor will preach from 1 Corinthians 2:6-10a on God's wisdom, the gospel message. Psalm 73 (586) 1 Corinthians 2 (1145)
6.30 pm This evening the pastor will again preach, God willing, looking at Numbers 29 Autumn sacrifices – learning from Israel's feasts in the seventh month Acts 17:1-15 In Thessalonica and Berea (1113) Numbers 29 (169)
001 All people that on earth William Kethe
193 You're the word of God the Father Stuart Townend 
351 Break Thou the bread of life Mary A Lathbury
489 Far before time Peter Jones
048 God of the covenant, Triune Jehovah Jessie F Webb
448 Sweet the moments rich in blessing William Walter Shirley, etc
347 Almighty God Thy Word is cast John Cawood
1. Consider the gospel message – God's wisdom for the m____
1. God's wisdom for the m_______ 2. Not the wisdom of this a___
2. Consider the gospel message – God's wisdom once h_____
1. Once h_______ 2. Destined to bring g_____ to believers
3. Consider the gospel message – one not u_________ or even conceived by men 1. The rulers of this age do not u_________ it
2. This is proved by the c___ 3. It is way beyond human c________ 4. Consider the gospel message – God's wisdom now r______


Lord's Day March 31 AD 2013
11.00 am (BST) This morning the pastor will preach from John 2:19-21 on A Temple destroyed and raised again in three days John 20 (1089) The empty tomb, Jesus appears John 2 (1064)
6.30 pm This evening the pastor will again preach, God willing, looking at Mark 12:18-27 The God of the living not the dead Matthew 28 Jesus has risen (1000) Mark 12 (1018)
265 Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Christopher Wordsworth 281 Thine be the glory Edmond Louis Budry 276 Low in the grave he lay Robert Lowry 271 He dies! He dies! Charles Russell Hurditch
266 Christ is risen! Hallelujah! J S B Monsell 267 Christ the Lord is risen today Charles Wesley 270 I know that my Redeemer lives Samuel Medley 278 Our Saviour has risen! William Conyngham Plunket
1. Avoid the d_____ of making your f_____ something or someone less than Jesus Christ 2. Understand that the T______ we read of in Scripture points ultimately to Jesus Christ 3. Consider the d__________ by the Jews of the b____ of Jesus Christ 4. Consider how in th____ days God raised up again the b___ of Jesus Christ


Lord's Day March 24 AD 2013
11.00 am This morning the pastor will preach from 1 Corinthians 1:30-2:5 on Preaching Jesus Christ and him crucified Titus 3 Saved in order to do good (1199) 1 Corinthians 1 (1144)
6.30 pm This evening the pastor will again preach, God willing, looking at Numbers 28 on Lessons from Israel's ancient offerings Acts 16:16-40 Paul & Silas in prison (1112) Numbers 28 (166)
182 Thou art the everlasting Word Josiah Conder 493 How deep the Father's love for us Stuart Townend 583 Jesus Thy blood and righteousness Nicolaus Von Zinzendorf 263 When I survey the wondrous cross Isaac Watts
45 God is in his Temple William Tidd Matson 816 Fill Thou my life, O God, in every part with praise Horatius Bonar 827 O Thou who camest from above Charles Wesley
MORNING SERMON NOTES 1. Consider C______ and all he is for us and the attitude we should therefore have 1. He is our r__________ 2. He is our h________ 3. He is our r__________ 4. Consider where that leaves b_________ 2. Consider how to approach establishing a New Testament ch______ in light of such convictions 1. There must be a rejection of eloquence and human w_______ 2. There must be a resolution to preach only Christ and him c_______ 3. Despite w_________ and trembling there must be a demonstration of the Spirit's p_____ 4. The aim must be to promote f_____ in God's p_____ not in human wisdom


Lord's Day March 17 AD 2013
11.00 am This morning the pastor will preach from 1 Corinthians 1:17-2:2 on Preaching God's wisdom in God's power Titus 2 Doing good for the gospel's sake (1198) 1 Corinthians 1 (1144)
6.30 pm This evening the pastor will again preach, God willing, looking at Numbers 27:1-1 A future and a leader for God's people Acts 16:1-15 Philippi (1111) Numbers 27 (165) (Communion 6 pm) MORNING HYMNS
296 Before the throne of God above Charitie Lees De Chenez 638 Be Thou my vision Anon 381 My hope is built Edward Mote 253 O Love divine! What have you done? Charles Wesley
EVENING HYMNS 97 O worship the King Robert Grant 776 I now not where tomorrow's road Margaret Clarkson 777 Jesus still lead on Nicolaus Von Zinzendorf
MORNING SERMON NOTES 1. See the priority for Christians of God anointed p_________ 1. P_________ 2. Not h______ wisdom or eloquence 2. Understand w___ this must be our approach So that we don't 1. Empty the c____ of its p_____ 2. Rely on h_____ wisdom 3. Understand both what the world w______ and what it actually n_____ 1. What the world w____ 2. What the world n____ 4. Consider man's w_____ and s________ and God's w______ and s_______ God's 1. S_______ 2. Usual p_______ 3. R_______ 5. Never forget the centrality of Christ


Lord's Day March 10 AD 2013
11.00 am This morning the pastor will preach from 1 Corinthians 1:10-16 on Being united as a church . Titus 1 Appointing elders, etc (1198) 1 Corinthians 1 (1144)
6.30 pm This evening the pastor will again preach, God willing, looking at Numbers 26 and Learning from the second census: a new generation for God  Acts 15:22ff The Council's Letter/Paul & Barnabas (1110) Numbers 26 (165)
382 In Thy name O Lord assembling Thomas Kelly 376 Blest be the tie that binds John Fawcett 381 How good a thing it is James Seddon 383 Jesus Lord we look to Thee Charles Wesley
137 To God be the glory! Frances Jane Van Alstyne 355 Lamp of our feet, whereby we trace Bernard Barton 83 Lord dismiss us with Your blessing John Fawcett
1. Consider the basis that is found here for u____ in a church 2. Recognise the i_____ that we must keep working towards as a church 3. Ponder the sorts of p_______ that can arise in this respect in a church 4. Realise the answer to such d_________ in a church Reflect on the work of p________ and b________ in a church


Lord's Day March 03 AD 2013
11.00 am This morning, following communion, the pastor will preach from 1 Corinthians 1:1-9 on Lessons to learn on God's Character and giving thanks for others
Acts 18:1-18 In Corinth (1114) 1 Corinthians 1 (1144)
6.30 pm This evening the pastor will again preach, God willing, looking at Numbers 25 and A warning against seduction and a call for zeal
Acts 15:1-21 Council at Jerusalem (1110) Numbers 25 (164)
We are very glad to have with us today Dr Andy McIntosh who we hope will share with us something about creationism. Emeritus Professor of Thermodynamics and Combustion Theory at Leeds, he has at least two doctorates and is author of over 180 papers and articles. In 2010 he won The Times Higher Educational award for the Outstanding Contribution to Innovation and Technology. He wrote Genesis for Today (Day One, 4th Ed, 2010) and has contributed to similar books. He delights to present the scientific evidence for Creation and passionately believes there is no excuse for scientific minds not to accept these truths. He has 3 grown up children and 5 grandchildren.
20 My God how wonderful Thou art Frederick W Faber
170 O the deep deep love of Jesus S Trevor Francis
410 Grace, 'tis a charming sound Augustus Toplady
501 O how the grace of God amazes me E T Sibomana
74 At even, ere the sun was set Henry Twells
764 Yield not to temptation, for yielding is sin Horatio R Palmer
826 My gracious Lord I own Thy right Philip Doddridge
MORNING SERMON NOTES 1. Take note of Paul's in_________ and learn about God's character Consider 1. The un_______ people God sometimes chooses to do his will 1 A persecuting r____ converted to Christ 2 A persecuted s_________ ruler converted to Christ 2. The un______ people God sets apart to himself and makes his own 1 The church at C_____ called to be holy 2 A___ who call on the Lord's name 3. Paul's greeting and our need of g_____ and peace 2. Take note of Paul's th___________ and learn about giving thanks for God's people Consider 1. Some r______ to give thanks for God's people 1 The g____ of God that they've been given 2 The confirmation of the testimony about C____ in them 3 Their eager waiting for C___ to be revealed 2. A c_________ to be drawn from these facts


Lord's Day February 24 AD 2013
11.00 am This morning the pastor will preach from 2 Peter 3:15-18 on Lessons to learn from the final verses of Peter's Second Letter. Joshua 24 Covenant renewed at Shechem (240) 2 Peter 3 (1223)
6.30 pm This evening the pastor will again preach, God willing, looking at Numbers 23::27-24:25 and Balaam's further oracles: God''s blessings and curses Acts 14 The rest of Paul's first journey (1108) Numbers 24 (162)
37 Unto the Lord, come raise together Graham S Harrison
160 Jesus is Lord! David J Mansell
410 Great Shepherd of Your people hear John Newton
656 O Jesus Christ, grow Thou in me Johan Caspar Lavater
29 Praise my soul the King of heaven Henry Francis Lyte
366 Glorious things of Thee are spoken John Newton
171 Jesus the name high over all Charles Wesley
1. Consider the lessons that arise from Peter's interesting remarks about P____'s writings They are
1. Written to teach p_______ so learn p_______ 2. Written with God-given w_____ so understand them in that way 3. C_______, expect them to be 4. Not always e____ to understand so don't be discouraged 5. Open to distortion by ig_________ people so be c_______ 6. The W____ of God so honour them 7. Life giving so don't be destroyed
2. Consider Peter's closing words on being on g____ and growing in g____ and knowledge Hear the 1. Call to be on g____ 2. Call to grow in g___ and knowledge 3. Giving of g____ to Jesus Christ


Lord's Day February 17 AD 2013
11.00 am This morning the pastor will preach from 2 Peter 3:11-14 on Speeding the Day of Christ's Second Coming
Joshua 23 Joshua's Farewell (239) 2 Peter 3 (1223)
6.30 pm This evening the pastor will again preach, God willing, returning to our studies in Numbers and looking at Numbers 22:36-23:24 and Balaam's first two oracles: blessing and victory certain
Acts 13 Paul's first missionary journey begins (1107) Numbers 23 (161) [6 pm communion] MORNING HYMNS
319 Now to the Lord that makes us know Isaac Watts
322 The King shall come when morning dawns Anonymous (Greek)
316 In hope our hearts rejoice Margaret Clarkson
38 More love to Thee O Christ Elizabeth Payson Prentiss
40 Begin my soul some heavenly theme Isaac Watts
634 Why should I fear the darkest hour? John Newton
633 Who trusts in God, a strong abode Joachim Magdeburg/Anon
1. Understand that Christ will return and that at that time the heavens will be d_________ and the elements m____ in the h____ 2. Understand that Christ will return and that at that time he will bring in a n___ heavens and n__ earth the home of r___________ 1. All will be n___ 2. It will be the home of r____________ 3. Realise that Christ will return so we must be h____ and g____, anticipating and s______ God's day and making every effort to be found spotless, b_______ and at p_____ with him 1. Christ will return so, having repented, live a h___ and g____ life 2. Christ will return so anticipate and s______ that day 3. Christ will return so make every effort to be found spotless, b_________ and at p_____ with him


Lord's Day February 10 AD 2013
11.00 am This morning the pastor will preach from 2 Peter 3:1-10 on A reminder about scoffers and Christ's Second Coming
Joshua 22 Eastern Tribes Return Home (237) 2 Peter 3 (1223)
6.30 pm This evening the pastor will again preach, God willing, returning to our studies in Numbers and looking at Numbers 22 and Balaam's Ass
Acts 12 Peter's Escape/Herod's Death (1106) Numbers 22 (160)
115 Our God our help in ages past Isaac Watts
180 One there is above all others John Newton
320 Rejoicing in hope Margaret Clarkson
318 Lo He comes with clouds descending John Cennick/Chas Wesley
155 I will sing of my Redeemer Philip P Bliss
823 Lord speak to me that I may speak Frances R Havergal
849 Rejoice believer in the Lord John Newton
1. Understand w__ Peter wrote this letter and what it ex____ of us
1. It is intended as a r________ 2. It is intended to stimulate you to wh________ thinking 3. It reminds us of what we find elsewhere in the Old and New T___________
2. Consider the first thing here that Peter draws attention to – the existence of sc______
1. Note how Peter draws attention to the existence of sc_______ in these l___ days
2. Listen to his answers to such sc________ 1 They are deliberately forgetting c_________    2 They are deliberately forgetting the f_____    3 They are failing to reckon with God's perspective and p_______
3. Consider the second related thing here that Peter draws attention to – the S______ C________


Lord's Day February 03 AD 2013
11.00 am This morning, following communion, the pastor will preach from 2 Peter 2:17-22 Further reasons to beware of false teachers
Joshua 21 Levite Cities (235) 2 Peter 2 (1223)
153 I greet Thee who my sure Redeemer art Strasburg Psalter
181 There is a name I love to hear Frederick Whitfield
757 O Jesus I have promised John E Bode
752 Lord Jesus think on me Synesius of Cyrene
38 You holy angels bright Richard Baxter
351 Break Thou the bread of life Mary A Lathbury
347 Almighty God, Your word is cast John Cawood
(The evening hymns were only suggestions, we changed them)
1. They are d_________ They
1. Mouth empty boastful words that promise much but give n______
2. Appeal to the flesh, promising f________, but are slaves of depravity
2. They are a________
1 Appearing to have escaped the corruption of the w_____, they end up w____ off than before
2 Having known the way of r___________, they end up going back to the evil lives they l____


Lord's Day January 27 AD 2013
11.00 am This morning the pastor will preach from 2 Peter 2:10-16 A warning - characteristics of false teachers Joshua 20 Cities of refuge (234) 2 Peter 2 (1223)
6.30 pm This evening there will be a baptism when two young men, Lukman Ipese and David Mitchell, will be baptised. We hope to welcome them into membership next Sunday. The pastor will preach on Acts 8:26-40 The good news about Jesus Christ Isaiah 53 (740) Acts 8 (1101)
368 How pleased and blest was I Isaac Watts
167 Meekness and majesty Graham Kendrick
756 O safe to the Rock that is higher than I William Orcutt Cushing
745 Christian seek not yet repose Charlotte Elliott
31 Sing to God new songs of worship Michael Baughen
808 The Lord's my Shepherde Stuart Townend
809 When peace like a river Horatio Gates Spafford
525 O happy day that fixed my choice Philip Doddridge
1. They f______ the corrupt desire of the sinful nature 2. They d______ authority and are arrogant 3. They are blasphemous and ig________ 4. They are crass c_______ of instinct 5. They are daytime carousers and revellers in p_______ 6. They have a voracious a_______ for sin 7. They seduce the un________ 8. They are experts in g____ 9. They would rather have m_______ than do the right thing 10. They will be j_______


Lord's Day January 20 AD 2013
11.00 am This morning the pastor will preach from 2 Peter 2:4-9 on Judgement and salvation
Joshua 19 Simeon, Zebulun, Issachar, etc (234) 2 Peter 2 (1223)
6.30 pm This evening the pastor will again preach, God willing, looking at Numbers 23::27-24:25 and Balaam's further oracles: God''s blessings and curses
Acts 14 The rest of Paul's first journey (1108) Numbers 24 (162)
60 Come let us with our Lord arise Charles Wesley
193 You're the Word of God the Father Stuart Townend
315 Day of Judgement, Day of Wonders John Newton
323 Great Judge of quick and dead Charles Wesley
138 We believe in God Almighty Andrew King
359 The heavens declare Thy glory Lord Isaac Watts
754 Search me O God my actions try Francis Bottome
1. Consider the example of the a______
2. Consider the example of the f______
3. Consider the example of S______ and G__________
4. Consider the twofold principle this all teaches
1 S_________ 2  J___________


Lord's Day January 13 AD 2013
11.00 am This morning the pastor will preach on the opening verses of 2 Peter 1 on Beware of false teachers and their followers and their attempts to exploit you
Joshua 18 Untaken land/Allotment to Benjamin (233) 2 Peter 2 (1223)
6.30 pm This evening the pastor will be preaching, God willing, on 2 Kings 18:3, 4 A good king's example of driving out idolatry
Acts 10:23b-48 Peter at Cornelius' House (1103) 2 Kings 18 (389)
59 Come let us join with one accord Charles Wesley
392 'Forward!' be our watchword Henry Alford
337 Lord God the Holy Ghost James Montgomery
389 A safe stronghold our God is still Martin Luther
3 Angel voices ever singing Francis Pott
668 Blessed is the man Michael Baughen
846 O for a closer walk with God William Cowper
1. Ex_____ false teachers among God's people
2. Know that false teachers share certain ch___________
1. They s_______ introduce destructive h______ 2. They will even deny their sovereign L____ and Redeemer 3. In their greed they exploit people with made up s______
3. Ex_____ false teachers to have their f_______
1. There will be m___ of them 2. They will bring the t____ into disrepute
4. Realise that false teachers will soon be d_________


Lord's Day December 30 AD 2012
11.00 am This morning the pastor will preach from Psalm 91:14, 15 on Duty and blessing in the coming year 2013
Joshua 16, 17 Allotment for Joseph (232) Psalm 91 (600)
6.30 pm This evening the pastor will be preaching, God willing, from 1 Chronicles 17:16, 17, Consider God's blessings past and future
Acts 10:1-23 Cornelius/Peter (1103) 1 Chronicles 17 (421)
MORNING HYMNS 870 My helper God! I bless his name Philip Doddridge 720 There is a Redeemer Melody Green 871 Father, let us dedicate Laurence Tuttiet 100 Call Jehovah your salvation James Montgomery
EVENING HYMNS 872 Sing to the great Jehovah's praise Charles Wesley 869 Great God, we sing that guiding hand Philip Doddridge 487 Amazing grace John Newton
SERMON NOTES 1. Three things to remember about Psalm __ this year Remember 1. That it e_____ 2. What it s____ 3. That it does not e___________ 2. Three things to remember to d__ this year Remember to 1. L___ the LORD 2. Acknowledge his n___ 3. C___ upon him 3. Five things to expect the LORD to d__ for you this year Expect the LORD to 1. R_____ you 2. P_______ you 3. Answer your p______ 4. Be with you in t______ 5. Honour and d________ you