Lord's Day April 28 AD 2013
11.00 am This morning the pastor will again preach from 1 Corinthians, from 3:1-9 Avoid spiritual immaturity and understand what a faithful preacher is Psalm 75 (588) 1 Corinthians 3 (1145)
6.30 pm This evening the pastor will again preach, God willing, on Numbers 31:1-24 God's certain justice Acts 18 In Corinth, etc (1114) Numbers 31 (170)
The LTS placement period is now ended. Welcome back Karl and Rebekah, goodbye to Emediong. Andrew is preaching in Yorkshire today, in Northallerton. This week (Tue-Thu) the pastor is at the Grace Baptist Assembly in Swanwick.
18 Lo! God is here Gerhard Tersteegen
732 Jesus, keep me near the cross Frances Jane Van Alstyne
455 Father of mercies, bow Thine ear Benjamin Beddome
734 Jesus my strength, my hope Charles Wesley
307 Hark! The song of Jubilee James Montgomery
310 Jesus shall reign where'er the sun Isaac Watts
323 Great Judge of quick and dead Charles Wesley
1. Christian, recognise the danger of im______ and w______ thinking
2. Christian, understand what faithful p________ are
Faithful preachers
1. Are s________ of God 2. Are called to work in different situations 3. Wholly depend on God for s________ 4. United in p_____ 5. Will be r_________ according to their own labour 6. W______ with God