Lord's Day March 10 AD 2013
11.00 am This morning the pastor will preach from 1 Corinthians 1:10-16 on Being united as a church . Titus 1 Appointing elders, etc (1198) 1 Corinthians 1 (1144)
6.30 pm This evening the pastor will again preach, God willing, looking at Numbers 26 and Learning from the second census: a new generation for God  Acts 15:22ff The Council's Letter/Paul & Barnabas (1110) Numbers 26 (165)
382 In Thy name O Lord assembling Thomas Kelly 376 Blest be the tie that binds John Fawcett 381 How good a thing it is James Seddon 383 Jesus Lord we look to Thee Charles Wesley
137 To God be the glory! Frances Jane Van Alstyne 355 Lamp of our feet, whereby we trace Bernard Barton 83 Lord dismiss us with Your blessing John Fawcett
1. Consider the basis that is found here for u____ in a church 2. Recognise the i_____ that we must keep working towards as a church 3. Ponder the sorts of p_______ that can arise in this respect in a church 4. Realise the answer to such d_________ in a church Reflect on the work of p________ and b________ in a church