Lord's Day April 28 AD 2013
11.00 am This morning the pastor will again preach from 1 Corinthians, from 3:1-9 Avoid spiritual immaturity and understand what a faithful preacher is Psalm 75 (588) 1 Corinthians 3 (1145)
6.30 pm This evening the pastor will again preach, God willing, on Numbers 31:1-24 God's certain justice Acts 18 In Corinth, etc (1114) Numbers 31 (170)
The LTS placement period is now ended. Welcome back Karl and Rebekah, goodbye to Emediong. Andrew is preaching in Yorkshire today, in Northallerton. This week (Tue-Thu) the pastor is at the Grace Baptist Assembly in Swanwick.
18 Lo! God is here Gerhard Tersteegen
732 Jesus, keep me near the cross Frances Jane Van Alstyne
455 Father of mercies, bow Thine ear Benjamin Beddome
734 Jesus my strength, my hope Charles Wesley
307 Hark! The song of Jubilee James Montgomery
310 Jesus shall reign where'er the sun Isaac Watts
323 Great Judge of quick and dead Charles Wesley
1. Christian, recognise the danger of im______ and w______ thinking
2. Christian, understand what faithful p________ are
Faithful preachers
1. Are s________ of God 2. Are called to work in different situations 3. Wholly depend on God for s________ 4. United in p_____ 5. Will be r_________ according to their own labour 6. W______ with God


Lord's Day April 21 AD 2013
11.00 am This morning the pastor will preach from 1 Corinthians 2:10b-16 Hear the message taught by the Spirit Psalm 74 (587) 1 Corinthians 2 (1145)
6.30 pm This evening the pastor will again preach, God willing, on Numbers 30 Commitment to God – caution and zeal  Acts 17:1-15 In Athens (1113) Numbers 30 (170) [6 pm Communion]
280 The happy morn is come Thomas Haweis
621 Jesus my Lord will love me forever Norman John Clayton
334 Father of everlasting grace Charles Wesley
345 Spirit of faith come down Charles Wesley
42 Command your blessing from above James Montgomery
825 Master speak! Thy servant heareth Frances R Havergal
828 Saviour, Thy dying love Sylvanus Dryden Phelps
1. Understand the role of the S______ in the Godhead
2. Learn how the S_____ works in the p______ and his h______
1. Note how the S_____ works in the understanding of the p_______ and his h________ 2. See how he enables the p_______ to s______ and the p_______ to h___ 3. Recognise what characterises the man without the S______ 1. He refuses to a______ the things of the S______ 2. He does not u___________ the things of the S______ 4. Recognise what characterises the man with the S_______ 1. He is able to make j________ 2. He is beyond the j________ of others 3. He has the mind of C_____


Lord's Day April 14 AD 2013
11.00 am This morning the preacher is Emediong Samuel from LTS who is currently on placement with us. He will preach this morning from John 11:1-44 John 11 (1077)
6.30 pm This evening Emediong will again preach, God willing, looking at Matthew 21:33-45 Matthew 21 (988)
A warm welcome to Emediong here on placement. Do pray for him and our own LTS students on placement (in Gloucester and Stratford). The pastor is preaching today in Camberwell. He, Eme, Robert (and Robin Asgher) are hoping to be in Leicester this week at the Banner ministers conference. Rosie and David are away today at the youth conference there.
57 We praise, we worship Thee, O God Anon
14 I'll praise my Maker Isaac Watts
164 Jesus Thou joy of loving hearts Bernard of Clairvaux
281 Thine be the glory Edmund Louis Budry
16 Immortal, invisible God only wise Walter Chalmers Smith
647 In Christ alone my hope is found Stuart Townend
4 Christ is our corner-stone Anon (Latin)


Lord's Day April 7 AD 2013
11.00 am This morning the pastor will preach from 1 Corinthians 2:6-10a on God's wisdom, the gospel message. Psalm 73 (586) 1 Corinthians 2 (1145)
6.30 pm This evening the pastor will again preach, God willing, looking at Numbers 29 Autumn sacrifices – learning from Israel's feasts in the seventh month Acts 17:1-15 In Thessalonica and Berea (1113) Numbers 29 (169)
001 All people that on earth William Kethe
193 You're the word of God the Father Stuart Townend 
351 Break Thou the bread of life Mary A Lathbury
489 Far before time Peter Jones
048 God of the covenant, Triune Jehovah Jessie F Webb
448 Sweet the moments rich in blessing William Walter Shirley, etc
347 Almighty God Thy Word is cast John Cawood
1. Consider the gospel message – God's wisdom for the m____
1. God's wisdom for the m_______ 2. Not the wisdom of this a___
2. Consider the gospel message – God's wisdom once h_____
1. Once h_______ 2. Destined to bring g_____ to believers
3. Consider the gospel message – one not u_________ or even conceived by men 1. The rulers of this age do not u_________ it
2. This is proved by the c___ 3. It is way beyond human c________ 4. Consider the gospel message – God's wisdom now r______