Lord's Day July 15 AD 2012
11.00 am This morning the pastor will preach on Ultimate realities 7 – Angels, wonderful servants to God's people from Hebrews 1 and 2
Micah 5 (933) Hebrews 1:1-2:4 (1201)
6.30 pm This evening the pastor will again be preaching, this time from Luke 9:23-26 on How to be a disciple of Christ
Psalm 68 (582) Luke 9 (1039)
MORNING HYMNS 47 Holy, holy, holy Reginald Heber 712 Lord of the cross of shame Michael Saward 805 Safe in the shadow of the Lord Timothy Dudley-Smith 119 Through all the changing scenes of life Nahum Tate and Nicholas Brady
EVENING HYMNS 40 Begin my soul some heavenly theme Isaac Watts 803 O love that wilt not let me go George Matheson 597 Take up your cross the Saviour said Charles W Everest
SERMON NOTES Angels are 1. G____ but Christ is superior so he is to be w________ not them Angels are 1. G_____ but Christ is superior 2. Not to be w__________ rather they w_______ Christ 2. P________ but subservient and rather than ruling they s___ God's people Angels are 1. Like w____ and lightning, p_________ but subservient 2. Not r____ but ministering spirits sent to s___ God's people 3. The ones who brought in the o__ covenant not the n__ and will not r____ over the w_____ to come Angels are 1. The ones who brought in the o___ covenant but not the n___ covenant in C_____ 2. Not going to r____ over the w_____ to come but humans are through C_____ 4. Not h_______ by Christ but men are