Lord's Day March 07 AD 2010
11.00 am This morning, following communion, the pastor will preach on Daniel 9:18 A leeson in prayer from Daniel
1 Corinthians 4 (1147) Daniel 8 (893)
6.30 pm Do come tonight if you possibly can when the pastor will be preaching, God willing, from Jude 20,21 Three vital things for every Christian to give himself to today.
Job 9 (517) Jude (1231)
MORNING HYMNS TODAY 151 Hail Thou once despised Jesus John Bakewell 932 Seek ye first the kingdom of God (Karen Lafferty) 409 God of pity, God of grace Eliza F Morris 408 From every stormy wind that blows Hugh Stowell
EVENING HYMNS TODAY 37 Unto the Lord, come, raise together G S Harrison 727 Compared with Christ, in all beside A M Toplady 8742 Take time to be holy W D Longstaff
SERMON NOTES D______ was a man who r____ the B_____ and b________ it and a man who p_______. 1. Observe the focus of D______'s prayer and learn w___ to pray to 2. Notice the earnestness of D______'s prayer and learn h___ to pray 3. Consider the concern of D_____'s prayer and learn w___ to pray for 4. Recognise the basis of D_______'s prayer and learn w___ to pray 1. N___________ not 2. P_____________ but