Lord's Day November 25 AD 2012
11.00 am This morning the pastor will preach the second in a series on 2 Peter 1 Add to your faith
11.00 am This morning the pastor will preach the second in a series on 2 Peter 1 Add to your faith
Joshua 11 Northern cities conquered (226) 2 Peter 1 (1222)
6.30 pm This evening the pastor will be preaching, God willing, from Habakkuk 1:12-2:3 What to do when you are perplexed
Acts 7:30-53 Stephen's speech (1099) Habakkuk 1, 2 (940)
25 Sing praise to the Lord! Henry Williams Baker
732 Jesus keep me near the cross Frances Jane Van Alstyne
734 Jesus my strength, my hope Charles Wesley
741 So let our lips and lives express Isaac Watts
51 Now thank we all our God Martin Rinkart
706 I waited for the Lord my God Scottish Psalter 1650
778 In heavenly love abiding Charles Wesley
1. Are you making every effort to a___ to your f____?
2. Are you seeking to a___ these s______ qualities?
1. G________ 2. K_________ 3. S___________ 4. P____________
5. G_________ 6. B_________ k_________ 7. L___
3. Do you understand the d__________ that these qualities will make to you?