Lord's Day October 28
AD 2012
11.00 am GMT This morning our elder Robert Strivens will preach. Matthew 3 (967)
6.30 pm GMT This evening Robert will again preach to us, God willing. Psalm 86 (967)
Forthcoming Meetings
Wednesday 31 8 pm Midweek Meeting [use back door]
68 Awake my soul and with the sun Thomas Ken
156 I've found the pearl of greatest price John Mason
582 In full and glad surrender F R Havergal
734 Jesus my strength, my hope Charles Wesley
39 Unto God our Saviour Psalter 1912
158 Jesus the glories of your face Joseph Irons
415 Lord Jesus Christ we seek Thy face Alexander Stewart
407 Behold the throne of grace John Newton
11.00 am GMT This morning our elder Robert Strivens will preach. Matthew 3 (967)
6.30 pm GMT This evening Robert will again preach to us, God willing. Psalm 86 (967)
Forthcoming Meetings
Wednesday 31 8 pm Midweek Meeting [use back door]
68 Awake my soul and with the sun Thomas Ken
156 I've found the pearl of greatest price John Mason
582 In full and glad surrender F R Havergal
734 Jesus my strength, my hope Charles Wesley
39 Unto God our Saviour Psalter 1912
158 Jesus the glories of your face Joseph Irons
415 Lord Jesus Christ we seek Thy face Alexander Stewart
407 Behold the throne of grace John Newton